Tiempo antes de cero nº7 (Pintura acrílica sobre papel de 290 g/m²)


La pintura es una composición abstracta creada con acrílico sobre papel (36 x 46 cm, 15 x 18 pulgadas). Rebosa de energía vibrante y presenta un juego caótico de colores.

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  Entrega estimada: Lun, Mar 10 – Vie, Mar 14
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The painting is an abstract composition created using acrylic on paper(36x46cm , 15×18 inch). It bursts with vibrant energy, featuring a chaotic interplay of colors. Dominant hues include pink, black, blue, yellow, and green. The artist employs splatters and streaks, which intersect and overlay, evoking movement and dynamism. There are no discernible figures or objects; instead, the focus lies on the expressive use of color and form. “Time before zero, edition nr.7” invites viewers to contemplate time as a concept—visually chaotic and undefined.

Feel free to explore the emotions conveyed by this captivating piece!

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